At Vishtek Studios LLP, we take your privacy very seriously, we strictly respect your privacy and user privacy is one of our highest priorities. We do not record, store, collect any personal information(information that identifies you as an individual). We do not attempt to obtain any sensitive information. However, we may keep a copy of your email ID if you contact us directly.
Vishtek Studios LLP will not sell, trade or disclose any personal information you might give us without your prior consent. However, information will be disclosed where required by law. We do not knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 13.
Although we do not attempt to track your information, our products may contain third parties’ API’s. We collect only anonymous data(non-personal information) such as game-play stats, app usage stats, scores, achievements, time spent, feature usage which is used to analyze and improve our products in order to provide you with an efficient user experience. This privacy policy does not apply to information that may be collected by any third party, so we are therefore not responsible for that information.
By downloading and installing the apps on your mobile device, using the apps, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this privacy policy.
We do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older.
If you are under the age of eighteen (18) you hereby represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to this Privacy Policy.